Could you buy the pro apps bundle in apple in India or anyone that have tried

Hi , I’m a college student and I require Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro , heard that they are available for 200 usd in Apple Pro Tools Bundle (16k around), which can purchased with international debit card
(Ps:It’s only in US from start hence some of my fellow bought from (Chennai) and is good )
Just for reference:( , or is it free with student offers coming in June time for MacBook, I’m buying them in June so just an early check through for the future.

What’s your opinion on this Brother !!

hello bro, Final Cut Pro Education Bundle is not available in India Region at present. If you have any friends in USA studying then he can buy using his apple id (education discount applicable id) and give the redeem codes.

You can redeem them to your apple indian id account and start using it.

Apple does mention that they do background check and if found any issues, they could refund and cancel the provided licenses. But so far I havent read any such action taken. So just 1 license from 1 eligible apple id in USA with a student currently in a college, shouldnt be an issue I believe.

We cannot buy it using our cards or payment details from India. That I am sure.