iPhone 14 or Pixel 7a? Which is Good Upgrade?

Best shop to sell iPhone becz I’m using iPhone 12 Battery percentage is 88% & no even single scratch in phone . I like to upgrade with 13 or 14 or google pixel 7a . Can you suggest me a better price to sell it and to upgrade with one is better for me .

Hi bro, iPhone 12 with 88% can be sold around 27K to 30K budget range. you can check with any third party shops bro. or you can list it in OLX, Quickr and our IRobinPro - Buy and Sell | Facebook Facebook Group. Always remember to follow safety practices while trying to sell online. Meet buyer at public place and don’t remove apple id before the sale is closed.

If you like to stay with iOS and it fits your requirement, then you may upgrade to iPhone 14. Right now no good offers on 14 models. If you can wait till Flipkart Big Billion Days sale opens up, then it could be best buy during october month.

Try to use Pixel phones in your friends circle. Then you may decide whether Android will be suitable for your every day usage or not. Pixel 7a will be good buy in that case.

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In big billion days how much iPhone 14 I’ll get reduced because now in online 68.999 in Flipkart .
For me no urgent if buying .
It I’ll get reduced in big billion days sure I’ll wait for it .Thank you bro for your suggestion.@iRobinPro
You are always amazing :star_struck:

I think last year we saw it around 55K to 60K price range bro. So you can decide accordingly.

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Any confirmation price about iPhone 14 in big billon days ?

So far no leaks about it bro. possible to see 15K reduce inclusive of cashbacks. lets wait for the deals announcement mostly 1 week before official offer date.

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There is any leaks about the sale in big billions days in Flipkart to buy iPhone 14 . About price details & card details .
Im thinking to update my phone 12 to 14 .
At what time I can sale the 12 ?
Which is the best place to sell it on spot in Chennai ?
Can you help me regarding this bro ?

So far no leaks bro. they just maintain it as secret and reveal it just a week before the offer period. You can decide the selling based on offers announced officially from flipkart and amazon. check with any third party mobile showrooms to sell it or you can check with cashify. google search cashify, register and account and fill up details about your iPhone you want to sell bro. a person will visit, check the unit and do the payment.

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Bro how I can delete my data’s before sale it?
Which is the best way to delete my data and they should not get it back or recover it

Performing Erase and Reset all data and settings itself enough bro. otherwise you may follow our iOS Clean installation video tutorial in our channel. That will help too.

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Bro I’m confused to upgrade to 14 .
I’m using iPhone 12 with 88 battery health percentage right now . Some persons are saying there is no much difference to buy iPhone 14 .
I phone 12 is going rate 28k , I thought this is correct price for selling it .
But big billions days I’ll come on oct 2 week .
If I wait till that daily the price is going low for I phone 12 .
Some are saying that u can get 14 At the rate of 50k .
Is this is true ?
And suggest me can I sale it now and can update. To 14 or it totaly waste of updated ?