iPhone 15 Pro Max Weather Widget Unavailable Error

Hello brother. I’m using 15 pro max. since the last two updates I’m facing issue with weather widget. Most times it shows weather unavailable. Later opening into widget it shows forecast. What could that be brother. Any idea? I’ll add SC below

Hi bro, this bug was in older iOS version, can you remove the weather widget and set it up again. also make sure location settings enabled for weather app once. then let me know if that helps.

I tried removing and adding it again still facing d same issue brother.

Is this location and privacy setting enabled to app or widgets too bro?

I have selected Always brother. It was d same ever since

We can delete and reinstall weather app bro. do once and search in appstore to download it fresh. then allow all the necessary permissions it needs and let me know if that helps.

I uninstalled and followed all procedures brother but still same

This is so strange bro. I couldnt recreate the problem in my iPhone. its working good. some setting change you have made is interfering with weather widget. let me try disabling some more service and see.

When you long press weather widget which location selected bro? “My Location” or particular city?

Current location brother. Last evening after restarting device till no issue found. If that problem pops up again I’ll post here brother. Thanks for helping out

Now its working fine? so strange. its possible the issue specific to your device bro. doing iOS Restore for this issue not that good idea. but when a problem cannot be fixed with troubleshooting steps, then issue is iOS Software related and iOS Restore helps fixing.

Lets hope it doesnt repeat. have a good day.

Yes brother it’s working fine now. It was working fine untill I updated to latest version. I really do not know how that popped up. Yea as u said might b glitch to my only device. If that issue shows up again we’ll have to take service centre. Let’s hope it won’t take me that long. Have a great day bro.

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