iPhone 15 Pro WiFi Slow Speed Issues

I am using 15 pro
I am facing wifi issues
After reset network settings still same issues add photo see difference bro on my laptop.



Hi bro, both are connected to same wifi bands? 2.4 Ghz or 5Ghz connection? and is the speed test run at same time in both iPhone and computer or separately?

Same wifi only bro
Speed test separate only

Try connecting to 5Ghz once and check bro. usually 2.4 Ghz based on channel we may see speed difference.

I can see same 300 mbps speed test results in both my iPhone and Mac desktop when tested with Jio 5Ghz network. with 2.4 Ghz network I always see speed around 70 Mbps.

I check tdy only Bro my wifi 5 ghz my wifi still slow bro

Open fast.com in safari browser and let the speed test complete bro. share the screenshot here.

As per Internet plan how much Mbps speed you have got bro? when you test from computer how much speed you are seeing?


150mbps bro

Understood bro. usually this happens when we connect to 2.4Ghz network where only half the speed is what we get. But when the iPhone or iPad connected to 5Ghz we do get full speed as per the tariff.

Perform ā€œsettings - general - reset - reset network settingsā€ once bro.

Then connect to same 5Ghz WiFi Network and check by watching videos and also speed test one.

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