MacBook Air M2 (8gb,512gb) or MBP(8Gb ,512) Which is Best Buy?

Bro should I buy MacBook Air M2 (8gb,512gb) either MBP(8Gb ,512)

Hi bro, Macbook Air comes with less weight and with M2 Processor it handles all every day tasks very well. Additionally it can handle video editing, photo editing and multi tasking very well.

But if you need bit more power with heavy tasks and video editing, rendering improvements, you may consider Macbook pro model with M2 Pro processor. Experience both models at nearest apple showroom once. that added extra weight in 14 inch macbook pro model is not big, but you have to hold them for few minutes to help you decide which one you find it comfortable to use too.

according to what you are planning to use the macbook for, deciding will be good.