Songs fully not uploaded to iPhone

Hello @iRobinPro brother,
I have 1157 songs in my Mac. Atha enda iPhone 13 kku sync panna only 659 songs transfer aahirukku fullaa transfer aahala
How to resolve that?

But same Mac la indu my other phone 5s la transfer pannen 1157songs um got transferred.

Some song files we download may have not compatible audio codec formats bro. so those files will not be transferred via iTunes. We have to use third party music player apps like ever music to keep the music files organised.

No, apdinda iPhone 5s la and X layum try panni paathen full music library um sync aache bro

Oh appo temporary issue va irukumnga. once phone and computer a restart pannitu again connect pannunga. then try to transfer bro. iTunes itself cancels the transfer if file has problem. otherwise it will work bro. try pannitu sollunga.

Ok brother

@iRobinPro no brother it’s not working.

You are using Music app to transfer the music files to iPhone correct bro?

In finder

Ok bro. do open music app and then drag and drop the same music files to your iPhone. Clear all other old files from iPhone before doing the drag and drop bro.

Try pannen bro it’s not transferring
Half thaan sync aahuthu

:frowning: this is a rare issue bro. sometime nerla issue patha fix pannalaam. but remote troubleshooting la limitations irukunga. can you try using third party app like ever music bro? till we find any solution to this?

Ok bro
And I’ve seen a similar issue mentioned in the Apple support discussions. same problem with ios17.2

I’m waiting for the 17.4 public
I’m hoping that’ll resolve the problem

If not updated you can update to 17.3.1 stable version and check too bro. currently you are in 17.2 right now?

Yh but I’m concerned about the issues coming to the 13 with the update
I’ve read some threads in social media
So I’m waiting for the 17.4
As report says 17.4public will released around March 6 or 7 or 2nd wk
So I’m hoping for it

Yes bro. RC version already out for developers. expecting the release by second week mostly. you may update after that.

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