Which iPad to Buy? Office Work and Entertainment Purpose

I am planning for buying ipad. Got confused on searching.
I am just buying it for some office work, notes , and some entertainment usage like watching videos and using social medias. Not big use like editing or designing like that.
Which would be better and when to buy?

Hi, for Office work and Entertainment purpose, iPad 10th Generation or iPad Air should be suitable bro. But my suggestion, is to visit apple showroom once and experience the iPad in person. So that you can decide better which one to pick based on the look, usage and price.

iPad Pro models are superior in terms of hardware and design.

But iPad air stands in the middle and serves well for anyone looking for best and latest hardware but around 50K budget range.

iPad 10th gen is under 50K budget, and have some compromises inside.

iPad 9th gen is old design, but people who need 30K around iPad to use it for every day work, it serves the purpose very well.

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